In Haryana, the Naraingarh police station of Ambala has caught opium cultivation in village Laha. Police raided the house of the accused on secret information late Friday evening. The accused had planted poppy plants at his house. On counting, some 190 saplings were found, which were uprooted by the police. The accused had learnt how to cultivate opium by watching it on social media. At the same time, the accused has been arrested by the police and a case has been registered under the NDPS Act.The team of CIA staff Shahzadpur received information during patrolling that Sarvjeet Singh had planted opium plants in the courtyard of his house in village Laha. Soon after this information, the police raided the house of Sarvjeet Singh. After informing them at around 7 pm, Naib Tehsildar Sanjeev of Shahzadpur/Naraingarh and village sarpanch Mohan Singh were also called to the spot.